Monday, May 11, 2015

Civil Disobedience

Civil Disobedience Essay
" If we do not act, we shall survey be dragged down the long, dark and shameful corridors of time reserved for those who posses power without compassion, might without morality, and strength without sight." (MLK pg.36)
Martin Luther King Jr. was I believe one of the most successful leaders of the civil rights movement. He did not act out aggressively during these unfair times. He just genuinely hoped for a change, and did anything in his power to receive that change. Although during the 1960's African-Americans, would assemble into peaceful protests, and they would still be treated without respect. The thing that was very unique about King was the ability of commitment we had to non-violence and passive resistance which captured the respect and attention of our nation.
In April, 1963 Martin Luther King led campaign in Birmingham Alabama , to end segregation at lunch counters as well as discrimination in hiring. This was a peaceful march, and king and his supporters had police turned fire hoses on them and shortly after arrested them. This campaign right here is one of the many laws which I believe is injustice. People, criminals, and drug affiliated people should have been the ones going to jail. Not someone who simply wants change; not only for themselves but for an entire race. I think martin Luther king should've been an inspiration for everyone of all races. He showed people what it was like to speak with an open mind. And to not only look forward, but to see things all round you, open your eyes and notice the damage that is being done. Martin Luther King, is a reminder that humanity is not defenseless.
Once Martin Luther King had been sent to jail he sent a letter from jail and said "There are two types of laws: Just and Unjust laws. Now what is the difference between these two? A just law is a man made code that squares with the moral law or the law of god, and unjust law is a code inflicted upon a minority had no part in enacting or creating because they did not have the unhampered right to vote." Now, I understand that there is nothing wrong with an ordinance which requires a permit for a parade. But when the authority of ordinance is used to preserve segregation and to deny the citizens the privilege of the First Amendment, therefore it is unjust.
The problem I think there was in the 1960's was people that always had opinions, but never had the courage to stand up and use their voice. Now in days, I think there's no such thing as "Peaceful Protesting." People have believed that they've gotten complete power for things that for example MLK started. People abuse that power of peaceful assembling that they have no order when it comes to protesting. The people now in days who defy protesting, do it because it is not peaceful. The people who defy colored people, are usually considered as racist. People today use the excuse that they are being mistreated because of the color of their skin. When in reality all that is being done is equal treatment, no matter where you are from or how you may look. You will be treated as a normal citizens.
"It seemed as if there was a real promise of hope for the poor - both black & white - through the poverty program. Then came the build up in Vietnam, and I watched the program broken and eviscerated as if it were some idle political play thing or a society gone mad on war, I knew that America would never invest the necessary funds or energies in Rehabilitation." This shows the lack of importance the U.S had put for poverty. They were so focused on winning the war; That they completely forgot about the poverty that had been occurring during this time. This problem that occurred during the 1960's, still occurs today. Events occur in this nation and the government refuses to confront these problems and attempt to at least make the slightest change. But sadly it seems that all they mostly do is avoid the major priorities, and focus on things that may be more "important" FOR them.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. I think this is one of the most amazing quotes I've ever heard. It's filled with nothing but the truth. People can be filled with so much hatred it's insane. The way MLK stated this was so natural-- It shows how much of a humble and educated person he was. He never took advantage of the voice he had, and used it with good intentions. You can't fix anything when you're doing it with hatred, but by being a loving person. He is showing the true meaning of being a kindhearted person, it can only take one person to change the way people perceive things.
"The initiative to stop must be ours, we move past indecision to action". The world around us keeps moving, time doesn't stop for anyone. A nation is built with citizens, without citizens we can't function as a nation. We must speak when something unruly is being done. We must reach out to people in their time of need. We have the ability to raise our voices, and rise above and see things from up there rather than remaining silently in the dark. The dark meaning having your mind closed, when you live in a world where everyone has their own individual problem and only cares for themselves thats when you know things aren't right. We see things yet we don't speak of them. Why? Because of fear, fear that someone more powerful will stand against you. But I believe MLK stood for what he believed in, no matter how many Caucasian or whites had opposed them. He kept going, because he had a dream and did anything in his power to conquer that dream.
It's all in our hands to say something when they must be spoken of, it not change will not happen. People for the power we as people have, they forget the rights that were given to us the moment we became U.S citizens.We have to remember where we stand as a nation, because perhaps maybe one day during the time that your mind is closed, and your eyes are shut then you will lose your place without even knowing it. Even today, it occurs with most people, they lose their place because they're so used to someone putting them in their place.
"If we are wrong, then the United States Constitution is wrong", MLK was a figure that encouraged people to speak for themselves. African- Americans had the option to fight back, but they were so used to the use of non-violence. It was something they had been used to, and these people who would BRUTALLY mistreat them provoked them, harassed them, and threatened them when they were so used to the discipline of respect and non-violence. They were so used to being disrespected and were not given a voice. Many activist leaders hepled the voice of those to be heard. That;s the only way people will see the damage that is occurring to people just like us. We're all equal. We all deserve the same rights, sadly this problem still occurs today, but not as drastic as it used to be. But people do have a tendency to forget how to respect someone no matter what the color of their skin is, you should always treat someone the way you want to be treated. When you fight fire with fire, it will only make a bigger fire. But Martin Luther King, managed to put up a fight with strong, humble words.
Sometimes I have to realize that these problems seem like they may be done, but racism and injustice happens so often, we just don't quite see it at times. MLK had inspired us to open our eyes and our minds to the possibilities that can make our surroundings and us a better place. We think that just because we don't see problems occurring doesn't mean that they aren't there. We as the community must help to amke our environment better. So our children of the future can learn from our mistakes and see it as history and try not to make the same mistake twice. We as humans have made so many mistakes, and the only way we can grow all together is by accepting one another. We all live in this planet, we must not corrupt it for the color of someone's skin, nor the way someone's nose is shaped. Or disrespect them, call them 'boy' even though they are a grown adult. Respect is key, that's how you get to where you need in life.

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