Friday, December 6, 2013

Just A Little Something About Me

              To start this off, my name is Nicole Herrera I'm a junior attending Fairfax high school. I'm 16 years old, almost turning 17 on March 22nd. I started highschool not knowing what was in store for me. I did not know that highschool was going to be a big change for me drastically. The people you surround yourself with has a lot to do with what kind of person you are, or choose to be. That's one of the main problems I used to have when I was in 9th-10th grade. You lie down with the dogs and you wake up with fleas. The only way I believe you can fix a problem is by acknowledging you have a problem. That's what I did, and now I'm paying the price by working my butt off, during Adult school from 3-6, along with Saturday School. I have realized that I have lost a lot of time throughout these 4 years, and now I'm in my 3rd year of highschool. Everything is going so fast, it feels like just yesterday I was watching my sister graduate from highschool. I think I made a good decision by attending Fairfax, because I have realized that this is a really good school, with so many good teachers. I haven't met all of them but I know that they have been hired for a reason. Except for Ms.Arkenburg, she almost ran me over for her reckless driving on school property. Other than that, I'm grateful for everyone that has walked into my life. And I love where I am in this world right now, I like the person I am becoming.